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Submersible Electric Dredge Pumps
  • Submersible Electric Dredge Pumps

Electric Dredge Pumps

Size: 50-400mm

Capacity: 10-2000m3/h

Head: 8-150m

Max. particles: 60mm

Max. concentration: 70%

Max. working depth: ≤ 150m

Cutterheads: 0.75-22kw

Sealing arrangement: Double mechanical seal

Materials: High chrome, Hyperchrome, SS304, SS316L, Duplex SS etc.

Sales@tobeepump.com +86 180 3203 4573

product details

Hydroman™ Submersible Electric Dredge Pumps specifically designed for handling slurries with a high content of abrasive solids. The dredge pumps have been extremely successful for clients operating in specialized sectors who face severe conditions and solve very difficult applications. The electric dredge pumps are positioned as submersible dredge pumps for marine and energy sectors as well a in mining for minerals and other materials. Handling slurries with up to 70% solids content and specific gravity up to 1.7, with a capacity of up to 5,300 gpm at 275 feet of head.With high chrome wear parts and specially designed, grease packed lip seals, the dredge pumps are manufactured with exceptional structural quality to maximize the benefits of the customer’s initial investment and achieve low maintenance and service costs.


- Removal of silt build up at marinas

- Harbors, dock loading facilities, etc. 

- Waste sludge handling- Tank clean out 

- Waste collection ponds 

- Dredging deep deposits (up to 120 m deep)

- Sands mining

- Barge unloading

- Waste collection pit 

- Ash sumps

- Dredging waste ponds 

- Clean up sumps 

- Gold tailings reclamation 

- Settling and collection ponds 

- Underground slimes collection ponds

- Conveyor tunnel sumps 

- Coal tailings relocation 

- Crusher sumps 

- Grinding area sumps

- Flotation area sumps 

- Truck wash sumps 

- Mill scale pits 

- Coke plant scale pit 

- Blast furnace slag pit 

- Water treatment sumps 

- Clean out caissons in construction 

- Transfer of bentonite slurry 

- Overburden removal 

- Reclaiming beaches 

- River, lake and canal clean out.

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Hebei Tobee Pump Co., Limited