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Slurry Dewatering PumpSubmersible Dewatering PumpSlurry Submersible PumpsAgitator Submersible Slurry Pump for Sand Dredging
  • Slurry Dewatering Pump
  • Submersible Dewatering Pump
  • Slurry Submersible Pumps
  • Agitator Submersible Slurry Pump for Sand Dredging

Slurry Dewatering Pump


Size: 50-400mm

Capacity: 10-2000m3/h

Head: 8-150m

Max. particles: 60mm

Max. concentration: 70%

Max. working depth: ≤ 150m

Cutterheads: 0.75-22kw

Sealing arrangement: Double mechanical seal

Materials: High chrome, Hyperchrome, SS304, SS316L, Duplex SS etc.

Sales@tobeepump.com +86 180 3203 4573

product details

Hydroman™ Submersible Slurry Dewatering Pump is a type of pump designed for pumping liquid containing solid particles. Submersible Slurry pumps change in design and construction to adjust to multiple types of slurry which vary in the concentration of solids, size of solid particles, the shape of solid particles, and composition of the solution. A submersible slurry pump is more robust than liquid pumps, they have added sacrificial material and replaceable wear parts to withstand wear due to abrasion.

The hydroman pump performance is defined by the design of the casing and the impeller. The efficiency is related to the number and design of vanes in the impeller. Handling slurries, efficiencies are usually compromised by clearances and the need to build abrasion resistant heavy duty components, taking in consideration materials, thickness, etc.

Hydroman submersible Slurry pump could be electrically or hydraulically driven. If it is an electric slurry pump, the motor shaft carries the impeller. If it is a hydraulic slurry pump, the motor is directly coupled to the main shaft of the pump.

Design Features:

▪ Wear Plates

Manufactured in chrome steel alloy (24 to 28%) offering long service life.

▪ Temperatures

Maximum medium temperature: 60°C

▪ Acid Resistance

Pumps can operate in media pH 4-12

▪ Working Depth

Standard operating depth is 40m, but 120m depths can be achieved with the use of pressure compensators.

▪ Agitators

The hydroman agitator eliminates solids accumulating on the sump floor and can significantly reduce maintenance costs resulting from digging out sumps and downtime due to solids building up and choking off the suction of conventional pumps.

▪ Water Jet Ring

In applications where solids are especially difficult to pump, or simply where more agitation is required, Hydroman offers a special high pressure jet ring. This combination of jet ring and agitator have proven to be a truly effective 'agitation team'

Hydroman Pumps Applications: 


Purpose of dredging is to increase flow capacity. 

Deep SeaSAIPEM Off Shore Dredging, Baku, Azerbaijan - 2007150TJQ
ReservoirDirillo Reservoir Dredging, Sicily, Italy - 2006THY300
Dam Cleaning, Sicilia, Italy - 2008THY85
HarbourCooperativa S. Martino, Chioggia, Venezia - 2005THY175
Harbour Dredging, Termoli, Italy - 2009250TJQ
Harbour Dredging, Nigeria - 2008THY300B
Harbour Dredging, Jordan and Italy - 2009THY85
Dredging with Ladder, Ukraina - 2010150TSQ
Harbour Dredging, Mexico - 2011150TQSY
Port Construction, Georgia - 2011200TJQ
Construction SitePumping Bentonite, Germany - 2009100TJQ
Inert-Construction Site, Spain - 200965TJQ
ChannelChannel Dredging, Germany - 2010THY175



Purpose of mining is to recover the material. 

Sand and GravelMaritza, Bulgaria - 2006THY300
Sand and Gravel Extraction, Azerbaijan - 2008THY220
Sand Mining, Poland - 201180TJQ
Fire Brigades and Civil Emergencies, Austria and China - 2011350TJQ
Sand and Gravel Dredging, Kazan, Russia - 2012THY400
Dredging with Geotextiles, Poland - 2012100TSQ
Sand and Gravel Extraction, Latvia - 2012150TJQ
Mine TailCopper Tailings Reclamation, Batu Hijau, Indonesia - 2005THY85
Mine Pond Dredging, Papua, Indonesia - 2006THY300
Mine Tailings Dredging, Indonesia - 2011THY400
Pumping in Mine-Processing Plant, Peru - 2011TJQ100
Tailing Pond, Canada - 2012THY400
Tailing Pond Cleaning, Italy - 2012250TSQ
Open Pit Mine Tailing, Peru - 2012THY85
BitumenBitumen Dredging, Canada - 2007TJQ200
Geo-ThermalDrilling Operations, New Zealand - 2010THY50


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Hebei Tobee Pump Co., Limited