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China Hydraulic Submersible Sludge PumpsHydraulic Dredge Pump
  • China Hydraulic Submersible Sludge Pumps
  • Hydraulic Dredge Pump

Hydraulic Sludge Pump


Size: 80-400mm

Capacity: 50-1500m3/h

Head: 10-50m

Max. particles: 60mm

Max. concentration: 70%

Agitator: Available

Cutterheads: 3-22kw

Sealing arrangement: Double mechanical seal

Materials: High chrome, Hyperchrome, SS304, SS316L, CD4MCu, Duplex 2205 etc

Sales@tobeepump.com +86 180 3203 4573

product details

Hydroman™ Heavy Duty Submersible Agitator Sludge Pumps specifically designed for handling sludge with a high content of abrasive solids. The pumps have been extremely successful for clients operating in specialized sectors who face severe conditions and solve very difficult applications. The pumps are positioned as submersible dredge pumps for marine and energy sectors as well a in mining for minerals and other materials. Handling sludge with up to 70% solids content and specific gravity up to 1.7, with a capacity of up to 5,300 gpm at 275 feet of head.With high chrome wear parts and specially designed, grease packed lip seals, the pumps are manufactured with exceptional structural quality to maximize the benefits of the customer's initial investment and achieve low maintenance and service costs.

Design Features:

ADVANCED DESIGN - The mixing and excavating movement is created by the Hi-CR steel agitator cutter blades. The agitator lifts and sucks settled sediments and solids, creating a continuous uninterrupted flow of concentrated slurry into the pump.

ABRASION RESISTANCE - Long life and performance reliability are guaranteed by robust, heavy-duty construction. Lower operating RPM and High Chrome wear parts guarantees lower wear rates and prolonged component life. 

SOLIDS HANDLING - Hydroman slurry pump parts have been specially designed and shaped to provide outstanding performance, providing superb solids handling capabilities but with reduced wear (solid size up to 120 mm). 

Hydroman™ Heavy duty Submersible Agitator Slurry Pumps Applications:

▪ Harbour and marina dredging.
▪ Channel and pond cleaning.
▪ Dam dredging.
▪ Land reclamation.
▪ Coastal protection.
▪ Geo-textiles filling.
▪ Sand and gravel.
▪ Tailing ponds dredging.
▪ Oils sands.
▪ Dewatering.
▪ Trench and pond cleaning.
▪ Gold and Silver mining.
▪ Bitumen pumping.

▪ Steel mills

.▪ Sewage plants.

▪ Bentonite Recycling.

▪ Civil emergencies.

▪ Industrial ponds dredging.

▪ Marble industry.

▪ Oil industry.

▪ Pipelines.
▪ High depth dredging.
▪ Sand extraction.
▪ Extra high depth
▪ dredging (>300m).

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Hebei Tobee Pump Co., Limited