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  • Submersible Sludge Pumps
  • Electric Submersible Sludge Pump
  • Submersible Sludge Agitator Pump
  •  Heavy Duty Sludge Pumps
  • Submersible Sludge Pump Price
  • Submersible Dewatering Sludge Pump

Submersible Sludge Pump


Size: 50-400mm

Capacity: 7-2400m3/h

Head: 7-120m

Power: 0.75-315kw

Max. particle: 120mm

Agitator or Cutter heads: Available

Materials: High chrome, Hyperchrome, SS304, SS316L, Duplex SS etc.

Sales@tobeepump.com +86 180 3203 4573

product details

Hydroman™ TSQ Submersible Sludge Pump is specifically designed for applications where the fluid to be moved has a higher viscosity than water and/or contains solids up to 65mm. Especially effective in returning activated sludge in wastewater treatment works, temporary sewage bypass pumping and emptying polluted excavations or tanks, these units are robust in design and capable of delivering months of continuous operation with no maintenance requirements.

Design Features:

▪ Spiral-grooved plate and cutter provides blockage-free operation

▪ Premium Efficiency IE3 motor for reduced energy consumption

▪ Simple design allows minimal service and maintenance

▪ No vibration allows smooth running and constant flows

▪ Easily portable so can be positioned quickly

▪ Motor protection reduces the risk of damage

▪ Compact so fits small spaces

▪ Simple installation for instantaneous set-up

Hydroman™ Submersible Sludge Pumps Applications:

▪ Mine dewatering                                                

▪ Red mud recovery             

▪ Clarifier sludge                         

▪ Mill scale                 

▪ Seawater/ sand slurry

▪ Thickener drain

▪ Pond water return

▪ Coal fines and magnetite recovery  

▪ Coal pile runoff                      

▪ Fly ash sumps

▪ Mine Dewatering Systems

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Hebei Tobee Pump Co., Limited